How to Play GTA 5 Story Mode with Friends: A Step-by-Step Guide

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GTA 5 Story Mode with friends has gained immense popularity due to the exciting mod menu options available for PC players. The ability to mod in story mode opens up infinite possibilities for players to customize their gaming experience. Whether it’s using the native trainer or menu, PC players can explore a wide range of mods that enhance gameplay and make it more enjoyable. From spawning vehicles and weapons to completing missions together, the fun and excitement of Play GTA 5 Story Mode with Friends.

However, we apologize to console players as these mod options are limited to PC players only. The modding capabilities in story mode offer a unique experience that console players cannot currently enjoy. Nevertheless, for PC players, the modding community has created a safe and reputable multiplayer co-op mod that allows players to join existing servers or host their own. This mod enables players to connect with friends and have a blast exploring the vast open world of GTA 5 together. So, grab your mod menu, gather your friends, and get ready for endless fun in GTA 5 Story Mode!

Installing the Multiplayer Co-op Mod

If you’re looking to play GTA 5 Story Mode with friends, installing the multiplayer co-op mod is a must. This mod allows you to connect with friends and explore the vast open world of GTA 5 together, making your gaming experience even more enjoyable. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install the necessary files and start playing with your friends.

Requirements for Installing the Mod

Before you begin, make sure you have the following requirements:

  • A mod menu of your choice, such as the native trainer or menu.
  • ScriptHookV and ScriptHookV.NET installed in your GTA directory.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the Necessary Files

Follow these simple steps to install the mod:

  1. Create a “scripts” folder in your GTA directory if you haven’t already.
  2. Download the multiplayer co-op mod client from the provided link.
  3. Extract the downloaded files and drag them into the “scripts” folder.

If you want to host your own server, you can also download the server version of the mod and follow the additional steps to set it up.

Options for Hosting Your Own Server

If you want to host your own server, follow these steps:

  1. Download the server version of the multiplayer co-op mod.
  2. Drag the extracted server files onto your desktop.
  3. Open the “publish/windows-released” folder and run “gta-server.core” to launch your server.

Once your server is up and running, you can invite your friends to join and have a blast together.

Configuring Server Settings for Customization

If you want to customize your server settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open the configuration settings file located in the mod’s folder.
  2. Go to the “server settings” section and open it with a text editor.
  3. Modify the settings according to your preferences, such as the server name, maximum number of clients, etc.
  4. Save the changes and exit the file.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to install the multiplayer co-op mod, host your own server, and customize it to your liking. Now, you and your friends can embark on exciting adventures in the world of GTA 5 Story Mode together. Have fun!

Adjusting Keybinds and Mod Menu Settings

When playing GTA 5 Story Mode with friends using the multiplayer co-op mod, you may encounter conflicting keybinds between the mod menu and your chosen mod menu. This can cause frustration and disrupt your gameplay experience. However, there is a simple solution to this problem.

To ensure seamless gameplay, you can easily change the keybinds in your mod menu. By doing this, you can avoid conflicts and enjoy a smooth gaming experience. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the mod menu settings within the game.
  2. Navigate to the keybinds section.
  3. Identify the keybinds that are causing conflicts.
  4. Modify those keybinds to unused keys on your keyboard.
  5. Save the changes and exit the settings.

By adjusting the keybinds in your mod menu, you can avoid any conflicts with the multiplayer co-op mod and ensure that your gameplay is uninterrupted.

Additionally, it is recommended to explore and modify other settings in the mod menu for an optimal gaming experience. You can customize various aspects such as graphics settings, audio settings, and gameplay settings based on your preferences.

Experimenting with these settings can help you find the perfect balance of visuals, performance, and overall enjoyment. Take the time to explore the mod menu settings and make adjustments that suit your playstyle.

By adjusting keybinds and exploring mod menu settings, you can enhance your gameplay experience in GTA 5 Story Mode with friends. Have fun exploring the vast open world and creating memorable moments together!

Joining and Playing in a Co-op Server

Playing in a co-op server in GTA 5 Story Mode with friends is an incredibly fun and immersive experience. It allows you to explore the vast open world of GTA 5 together, complete missions, and interact with other players. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to join and play in a co-op server:

Accessing the Mod Menu in-game

Before joining a co-op server, make sure you have your mod menu ready. This can be the native trainer or menu, or any other mod menu of your choice. In the game, press the designated hotkey to open the mod menu. By using the mod menu, you can access various features that enhance your gameplay experience.

Instructions for Connecting to a Co-op Server

To connect to a co-op server:

  1. Access the server browser in your mod menu.
  2. Browse through the available servers.
  3. Select a server that suits your preferences.
  4. Click on the server to join.
  5. Wait for the connection to be established.
  6. Once connected, you will be in the co-op server with other players.

Make sure to communicate with your friends beforehand to decide on a server to join together for a seamless gaming experience.

Exploring the Server Browser and Available Options

When exploring the server browser, you will find a variety of options that cater to different gameplay styles and preferences. Take your time to browse through the available servers and read their descriptions to find one that aligns with your interests. Some servers may have additional features and mods that enhance the gameplay experience even further.

Using Mod Menu Features to Interact with Other Players

Once you are in a co-op server, you can use the mod menu features to interact with other players. These features may include:

  • Teleporting to other players’ locations
  • Spawning vehicles, weapons, and other items
  • Participating in missions and activities together
  • Engaging in friendly competitions or races
  • Exploring the open world and creating unique experiences

Remember to respect other players and follow the rules of the server. Cooperative gameplay and communication can lead to unforgettable moments and hours of fun in GTA 5 Story Mode with friends.

Playing with Mods and Customization

When playing GTA 5 Story Mode with friends, one of the most exciting aspects is the ability to use mod menus to spawn custom vehicles and objects. With the modding capabilities in story mode, players can explore infinite possibilities and customize their gaming experience to their liking. Whether it’s spawning their favorite supercar or creating unique scenarios with customized objects, the options are endless.

However, it’s important to consider a few things when using custom vehicles in co-op mode. Firstly, make sure that all players have the necessary mod files installed to see the custom vehicles. If a player doesn’t have the same vehicles installed, they may not be able to see or interact with them. It’s also crucial to communicate with your friends and ensure that everyone has the same mods to avoid any confusion or gameplay issues.

Exploring the possibilities of missions and activities in story mode becomes even more exciting when playing with friends. You can work together to complete challenging missions or create your own unique activities. Whether it’s planning heists, participating in races, or simply exploring the vast open world, playing GTA 5 Story Mode with friends adds a whole new level of enjoyment and teamwork.

Create funny moments

One of the biggest benefits of playing GTA 5 Story Mode with friends is the ability to create funny moments together. Whether it’s pulling off outrageous stunts, engaging in friendly competitions, or simply goofing around in the open world, playing with friends brings laughter and entertainment. These funny moments can be captured and shared, creating lasting memories and experiences.

Playing with friends not only enhances the gameplay experience but also provides an opportunity for teamwork and collaboration. By working together, you can strategize, coordinate, and overcome challenges more efficiently. It’s also a great way to strengthen friendships and create bonds through shared experiences in the virtual world of GTA 5 Story Mode.

So, grab your mod menu, invite your friends, and get ready for endless fun in GTA 5 Story Mode. Whether you’re spawning custom vehicles, completing missions, or simply creating funny moments, playing with friends adds a whole new dimension to the game. Explore the possibilities, unleash your creativity, and enjoy the thrill of GTA 5 Story Mode with friends!


In conclusion, playing GTA 5 Story Mode with friends using the multiplayer co-op mod is an incredibly fun and immersive experience. The safety and reputation of the mod ensure that you can enjoy the game without any worries. From exploring the vast open world together to completing missions and engaging in friendly competitions, there are endless possibilities for fun and excitement.

We encourage you to try out the mod with your friends and experience the thrill of playing GTA 5 Story Mode in a whole new way. Whether you’re spawning custom vehicles, creating unique scenarios, or simply goofing around, the mod allows for endless creativity and customization.

Furthermore, keep an eye out for future content and updates to the co-op servers. The modding community is constantly expanding and bringing new features to enhance the gameplay experience. You never know what exciting adventures await you and your friends in the world of GTA 5 Story Mode.

We want to thank you for taking the time to read this guide and explore the possibilities of Play GTA 5 Story Mode with Friends. We hope you have a blast and create unforgettable moments together. So grab your mod menu, gather your friends, and get ready for endless fun in GTA 5 Story Mode!


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